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Students of Emerson

Interviews by Annaliese Taylor, Lexi Liera, and Nicole Rinaldi

Photographed by Nicole Rinaldi

Inspired by the iconic Humans of New York, we randomly interviewed inhabitants of the Emerson dorms to see what they had to say about themselves, Emerson, and the meaning of life. It was quite the experience to interact with random people, and something that taught us not to be afraid of stepping out of our circles of comfort and talking to new people.

Will Schwartz


Lucas Raagas


James Mezzo


Freshman VMA

"The meaning of life… I have no idea, I’m 18”


Freshman Jornalism

"The fact that we have an aesthetic perspective is the most ‘Emerson’ thing about Emerson.”


Freshman VMA

"I don’t want anyone to know anything about me.”


Hannah Wolfe


Freshman Broadcast Journalism

"My father has been working in media in Boston, specifically in radio for 25 years and knows a lot of people there. It’s where he first got a job, so it kind of runs in the family.”


Freshman VMA

"I like being weird and different.”


Freshman VMA

"I want to be a cinematographer when I grow up”


Lucas Flint


Simon Olarte


Eric Bischoff


Sophomore VMA

"I guess I’m easy to talk to”


Alexander Laplante


Freshman Musical Theatre

"I walked into my room and my roommate was doing tai chi in his underwear.”


Sophomore VMA

"You want me to dumb down the product just because it’s busywork? I already wrote the essay!”


James Raudabaugh


Max Cohen


Freshman Broadcast Journalism

"The meaning of life? Making dank memes."


Freshmen, CB is marketing and VA is journalism but switching to marketing

"We’re roommates and we’re on the soccer team together”


Chiara Bernardi, Veronica Alberts


​Curtis Oviatt


Freshman Communications Studies

"There was the woman’s march, you know? There was a hundred and fifty thousand people. I made it to the center of it.”


Freshman VMA

"I'm Single”


Sky Alexander


Dante Flores


Sophomore Theater Studies and Acting

"Dream big, work hard, don’t be an asshole. That’s kind of what I live by.”


Nic Surgue


Freshman BCE

"I’m artsy as a motherfucker I guess, in the traditional sense where I like making paintings, drawings, etc.”


Freshman, VMA Business Studies minor 

"Dream big, work hard, don’t be an asshole. That’s kind of what I live by.”


Freshman BCE

"Even though I'm a business major, I'm still creative"


Sophomore VMA

"Boston is nice. I actually don’t mind the weather as much.”


Amelia Young


Vanessa Kanter


Jake Broom


Natalie Clydesdale


Kris Theorin


​John Mazzarella


Freshman Journalism

"The other day I was going to the bathroom, and I guess people were doing a film project in the common room, and so I walked past and there was just some guy with scary makeup on just staring out the window.”


Freshman VMA

"My professor for VMA 1 was… this 70-year-old guy who would occasionally throughout the lecture would go on mini Trump rants. He had the greatest stories from the 70’s, doing drugs and stuff.”


Freshman VMA

"Weirdest professor… I can only pick one?”


JS sophomore VMA, AL sophomore VMA, KZ senior WLP

“I think I’m the ‘why are you single’ quiz”-Jesse

"I did one of those magic-eye quizzes… I don’t know if I’m that one, but hey.”-Andrew

“I can’t go a day without my Dunkin Donuts and it’s sad”- Katie



Jesse Slade, Andrew Licciardi, Katie Zepf


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